Who’s that BETCH?

Hi babe! I'm Victoria, also known as the Balanced Betch.

I am on a mission to guide women on a vibrant journey of deep healing, self-connection, and unapologetic living. I help you reawaken your Divine Feminine essence using energy work, healing modalities, intuitive guidance & embodiment practices. I walk beside you on the path of remembrance of your true power - the power you’ve had all along, you just have to rediscover it for yourself.

Growing up, I always knew I had a special connection with the Universe. In my early 20s, I learned just how powerful that connection was.

I realized I wanted to use this intuitive connection to help women heal from traumas that they have held within them, and help them reconnect to their true power.

After talking with so many women, I realized the connection between so many of us: we have all experienced some kind of life experience that disconnected us from our essence.

This is what connects us.

And so often we are told to just “deal with it” – we are never really encouraged to heal.

I want to help you heal. Deeply. 

I want to help you connect to your essence. Whole-heartedly.

I want to help you transform with love. Into the Goddess that you have been all along, but might’ve forgotten. 

This is my purpose. This is what I was called here to do. And I am so excited to be a part of your healing journey.

Read more of my story below

Everyone has a story… Here’s mine

It was around this point that I started exploring spirituality. I always believed in something more; something bigger than us. It was time to start discovering what that meant for me.

I bought books, crystals, oils, and tarot decks. 

I started meditating, practicing yoga, and journaling.

I traveled to places I had been longing to go to.

I began to dive deep into my being.

Along the way, I met many spiritual healers and teachers. These are the souls that have helped me discover that I too am a spiritual healer and teacher. 

And then I made this big discovery: healers need healing too.

As I dove into my past traumas, I discovered that my experiences with my sexuality, along with my love for talking about periods, sex, and birth, all happened for a specific reason.

It was to bring me here. To this place.

To this place of my own deep healing.

To transform my life and use my story as the example to help so many other women heal.

I am the teacher. But I am also the student. 

I am healing things within me that I never thought I could.

I am connecting to parts of myself that I never knew existed.

This deep inner work is transforming my life in ways I never thought possible.

And now, it’s your turn. I am here to guide you through your own transformation, to help you uncover the beauty and magic life holds, and to remind you that you are deserving of it all.

From a young age, I always knew I was different.

I was the kid that talked to “ghosts.” My parents could tell so many stories of the “supernatural” experiences I had as a kid.

As I grew up, this connection began to slowly dull, as it does for most children when they start to learn more about the real world. Spiritual practices such as meditation were not common when I was growing up. But no matter what, I always had this feeling inside of me.

Fast forward to my early 20s. I felt lost and more confused than ever about who I was. 

All of the events that happened during childhood, teen years, and early adulthood. 

All of the trauma, living out of alignment, people-pleasing, and depleting my energy. 

It all led to not knowing who I really was, how to heal from my past, and how to create the future I longed for…